USPS Change of Address

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If you are moving or looking to change your address with the US Postal Service, you can do so directly on the official website. The official United States Postal Service website will charge you a small fee of $1.05 to verify your identity and change your address online and you will get an e-mail confirming the address change once it is completed. Learn more about Official USPS Change of Address services here.

The third option is to use an independent third party provider who can submit the address change request for you on your behalf to the Post Office. Using an independent third party provider also provides additional benefits and services not provided by the Postal Service.

There are many drawbacks and disadvantages to filing your address change request online directly with the USPS or going to the Post Office in person. This article explains the drawbacks that you must consider before submitting your address change with the USPS directly.

If you decide to use the services provided by this website, it is important to understand that the service provided here is maintained and operated by an independent third party business entity that is not associated with the USPS or any other government agency.

Before you submit a US Postal Address Change form with the Post Office online, it is important to keep in consideration that the change is not immediate and there will be a delay before your local Postal Office will start to forward your mail to your new address. You should expect your mail to be forwarded to your new mailing address within 10-15 business days after your requested Post Office Change of Address start mail forwarding date or your change of address filing date, whichever is later.

USPS© mail forwarding only covers certain classes of mail for a period of up to 12 months. Mail forwarded from your old address will be affixed with a yellow or white label with your new address. Learn more about mail forwarding Please contact and update your address with anyone whose correspondence you receive with a yellow or white label. Many government agencies and mailers will not update your address without direct contact from you, so it is important that you notify parties directly.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Failure to notify these companies directly may result in a loss of important services.

That`s why in addition to submission of Change of Address requests to the U.S. Postal Service© ("USPS©"), the service provided by this website also includes notifying up to 25 additional organizations / financial companies / health insurance companies / other important associations / magazine subscriptions, etc. about your recent address change.

During the checkout process, you will find an option to tell us which important parties you would like us to contact on your behalf so we can notify these parties and request to have your address updated right away. The charge to use this service through our website is USD$79.90 and includes the submission of your Change of Address request to the USPS for free as a courtesy to you for using our address change services to notify multiple organizations in addition to the United States Postal Service. Learn more about our independent third party Change of Address services here before proceeding to complete your address change using our website.

When changing your address with the United States Postal Service (USPS), there are many different options you must consider when you want to change your address online. We will go over many of the various address change options below to help eliminate any confusion.

Throughout the process of completing your change-of-address online, you will be asked many important details about your move. Things such as who is moving, what type of move is this, as well as your old address and new address and any other relevant contact information necessary to update your address with the US Postal Service using their Standard Forward Mail service.

This option is important because it lets us know which type of move you`re making with this change-of-address request. Choose Permanent if you don’t plan on moving back to your old address. For the most part, most moves are Permanent moves. Temporary moves are for people who plan to move back to their old address within 6-months. If you plan on getting away for the winter, or just planning a temporary stay away from your primary residence for less than 6-months, you will want to choose this Temporary option. There’s one other exception. 6-months is the magic number to consider here. If you plan to move temporarily to a different address that is not the same as your old address for more than 6-months, then you must choose ‘Permanent’. This is necessary for any temporary moves over 6-months. When you are ready to move back to your old address, you must submit a new Permanent Change of Address request again at that time. Do not choose the Temporary option if you plan on receiving mail at a different address from your old address for more than 6-months.


If you are the only person moving, choose the Individual address change option. If you receive mail by more than one name, it’s important that you submit separate address changes for each name. For instance, if you receive mail under your maiden name or you use a nickname, each name should have it’s own address change form submitted.


If there is more than one person moving and everyone that is moving has the same last name, choose the Family address change option. If there are some members of your family that are not moving, then you should submit an Individual address change request for each mover. It’s also important to note that if some of the members of your family have different last names, you must again submit multiple Individual address changes for each person that is movin

Just to be sure, you will be asked if all individuals moving from this address share the same last name. If the answer is no, then anyone who is moving that has a different last name will be required to submit a separate Individual Change of Address.

Note: Only use a Family Change of Address if EVERYONE in your household is moving and everyone has the SAME last name. This means everyone will have their mail forwarded to the new address specified when you choose the Family change of address option.

You will also be asked if anyone with the same last name will not be moving and will remain at the old address. If the answer is yes, an Individual address change must be submitted to make sure the mail of the remaining members of the family does not get affected or interrupted. A family move will forward all mail associated with anyone that shares the last name. So it’s important not to choose a Family move if you have some members of the family with the same last name remaining at the old address.


If the ENTIRE business is moving, choose the Business Address Change option. If you are submitting an Individual or Family change of address and your old address is a business address, your change of address request will not be processed. If you are an existing or former employee, you can not have your personal mail forwarded from a business address.

To file your change of address with the USPS and other organizations using the service provided on this website, please follow the steps listed above.

ABOUT OUR SERVICE: provides a user friendly platform that offers premiere change of address assistance services online to consumers and businesses relocating on a temporary or permanent basis. In addition to Change of Address submission to the U.S. Postal Service ® (“USPS®”), we notify up to 25 organizations regarding the address change in order to facilitate the connection of new utilities and service providers available and registration on the National DNC Registry all for only $79.90. With respect to Change of Address services, we submit address change request as an authorized agent on behalf of our customers requesting to change their address with USPS®. Customers, using our services, warrant that they are the person, executor, guardian, authorized officer or agent of the person or business for whom mail would be forwarded, under such order. The USPS® has an independent service where address changes can be made online for a $1.05 fee. is not affiliated with the USPS®. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder or their products. All orders submitted through this site are subject to the terms of use and Privacy Policy.